About Us / Loan Officers / Shelby Lafay
Shelby Lafay

Office: Wichita, KS 
Office Phone: 316-462-1341
MLO #: 261262

Hometown: Johnson, KS
Education: I graduated from Friends University with a Bachelor in Business Management with emphasis in Finance.
Hobbies / Interests: Love watching and or playing anything sports related. I go to as many Oklahoma Sooner football games as I possibly can.

As I was going through school I had the opportunity to study a lot of jobs that I could possibly look at going into with my degree. Insurance and Mortgages were two of the main job categories that caught my eye. I figured that these were two things that were going to be around, and people were going to need. I first ventured into getting my Insurance License and did manage to get a few of them. But as I studied and got closer to maintaining them all I realized that this was not the career path for me. I then started getting books about “Becoming a Loan Officer” and from there I began to search for jobs around the Wichita Area. I was fortunate to get a job interview with Regent Financial and began working for them in July of 2009.

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